【英語資格試験Tips③ Tak石河お勧めの英検1級合格法(1次試験編・特に英作文)】

【英語資格試験Tips① 英検1級合格体験記~1次試験編~】
【英語資格試験Tips② 英検1級合格体験記~2次試験編~ 頭が真っ白になりパニックに!!その時、Tak石河が取った作戦とは!?】
※注 この方法は、「英語の達人になった上で、英検1級に余裕で、満点で合格する方法」ではなく、「まずは英検1級に合格するための方法」ですのであしからず。ただ、姑息な手段ではなく、ちゃんとした(?)正当な方法です。
もちろん、仮に現在TOEIC 700点だとして、英検1級を受けてはいけないわけではありません。ただ、その場合は、TOEICの点数を上げるか、または英検2級~英検準1級を狙った方が、効果が出やすいように思います。この、TOEIC等の他の英語試験と、英検1級との差については、別項目で考察したいです。
(?出典? 語学の国際標準規格:CEFR(セファール)より引用)
- 短所の語句空所補充問題:各1点×25問⇒語彙力が試される問題
- 長文の語句空所補充問題:各1点×6問⇒語彙力・読解力(リーディング力)が試される問題
- 長文の内容一致問題:各2点×10問⇒読解力(リーディング力)+教養が問われる問題
- 英作文問題:1問(計28点)⇒英作力(ライティング力)+教養が問われる問題
- Dialogues:各1点×10問(計10点)⇒リスニング力
- Passages:各1点×10問(計10点)⇒リスニング力+教養
- Real-Life:各2点×5問(計10点)⇒リスニング力+教養(個人的には、特にライフスタイル関連)
- Interview:各2点×2問(計4点)⇒リスニング力+教養(幅広い教養)
(?出典? 英検1級総合対策教本(旺文社)より一部引用、改変)
ちなみに、Tak石河が選んだ強み(そして個人的なおすすめ)は、「1、英作文 2、リスニング力、3、リーディング力」でした。順番は、力点を置いた順ですが、「英作文」は力を入れておくと、2次試験でそのまま活かせるのでお勧めです。と、いうより、英作文はやればやるほど伸びます!!
TOPIC: Does more need to be done to address environmental problems?
【冒頭】I think (ここに主張を入れる)because of the following three reasons.
【理由1】Firstly,…. For example,….
【理由2】Secondary,….For instance,….
【理由3】Thirdly,…. To cite an example,….
【結論】Given these reasons(これらの理由から), I think(ここに主張を再び入れる).
③(可能であれば)同じ単語・表現を繰り返さず、言い換えると加点されます。これは、言い換え表現が分からないとできないのですが、上記でも例を出す時に’For example/For instance/To cite an example’と3通りに言い換えています。簡単な所でも言い換えるとGood!
TOPIC: Does more need to be done to address environmental problems?
Nowadays, environmental issues are becoming serious. I think that more need to be done to address environmental problems because of the following three reasons.
Firstly, the environmental affair will affect our daily lives. With rising population and destruction of cropland, it has been reported that in 2025 two-third of the world’s population would suffer from lack of water and food.
Secondary, all countries cannot exist because of a lack of petroleum. Our energy sources of late are heavily dependent on petroleum liquid which is finite.
Thirdly, environmental concerns are global-scale problems. For example, over the last few decades, global warming has continued to be a threat. Some academic reports have suggested that over the last hundred years, the sea level increased seventeen meters, which deprived of about forty thousand square kilometers on land.
Given these facts, we must pay close attention to environmental issues from the viewpoint of maintaining individual, nations, and the earth.
(154 words)
Nowadays, environmental issues are becoming serious. I strongly believe that more needs to be done to address environmental problems because they have extremely negative effects on the availability of food and water, natural resources and land.
First of all, environmental issues will affect our daily lives. With the rising population and destruction of cropland, it has been reported that in 2025 two-third of the world’s population would suffer from lack of water and food if no preventive measures are taken to protect the environment.
Additionally, no country can exist without natural resources. Our energy sources of late are heavily dependent on petroleum, which is available in finite quantities. However, as a side effect of industrialization, human beings are extensively using petroleum. Therefore, many environmental biologists argue that in twenty years from now, all nations will face a serious energy shortage, unless proactive steps are taken to avoid such a situation.
Furthermore, environmental concerns are global problems. For example, over the last few decades, global warming has continued to be a threat. Polar ice caps will further melt because of the rising temperature on the earth’s surface. Some academic reports have suggested that over the last one hundred years, the sea level has risen by seventeen meters, which has submerged approximately forty thousand square kilometers of land.
Given these facts, we must pay close attention to environmental issues from the viewpoint of avoiding any food, water, energy and land crisis in the future.
(242 words)
Nowadays, environmental issues are becoming serious. I strongly believe that more needs(三単現のsを付ける) to be done to address environmental problems because they have extremely negative effects on the availability of food and water, natural resources and land.(←回答例1ではあんまりピンとこない冒頭になっているので、これから述べる3通りの理由をより的確に表現)(ちなみに、トピックに関連する単語、ここではfoodやnatural resourcesなどを入れると加点対象になる)
First of all, environmental issues (←環境問題はthe environmental affairとは表現しない、environmental issuesが正しい) will affect our daily lives. With the
(←冠詞の忘れ。この場合、a ではなくtheになっているのは、冒頭でthe availability of food and waterと言っており、その関連の話題を述べているから) rising population and destruction of cropland, it has been reported that in 2025 two-third of the world’s population would suffer from lack of water and food,(ここで一区切りつける) if no preventive measures are taken to protect the environment.(←説明を細やかに。これを入れないと、2025年に食糧・水危機が来るのは必然のような意味合いになってしまうが、これを入れることで「何も対策しないとそうなるよ」とより記述が正確になっている。)
Additionally, no country can(←all country cannot…は変な表現) exist without natural resources.(←この場合、petroleum(原油)だけでなく他の天然資源も無いとNG、とした方が適切) Our energy sources of late are heavily dependent on petroleum, which is available in finite quantities. (←何が有限なのかをしっかりと。「利用できる量」が有限なのですね) However, as a side effect of industrialization,(←こういった補足情報を入れることで内容に深みが増す) human beings are extensively(←石油を「大量に」使っている、こういう形容詞・副詞を入れるとGood!) using (spendはpetroleumに対して使うのは不適) petroleum. Therefore, many
(←a lot of/lots of は口語的な表現。ライティングではmanyの方が良い)environmental biologists argue that in twenty years from now, all nations will face
(←思わずface at と書いてしまいそうだがこの場合faceは他動詞!)a serious energy shortage, unless proactive steps are taken to avoid such a situation.(←第一パラグラフの文末と同様。このエッセイでは、「環境問題により対策を講ずる必要性」を主張しているので、このように「…対策を講じないとXXという悪い事態になる」と書けば文意がスムーズになる。)
Furthermore, environmental concerns are global problems.(global problemsで十分、global scale problemのscaleは不要) For example, over the last few decades, global warming has continued to be a threat. Polar ice caps will further melt because of the rising temperature on the earth’s surface. (←具体例を補強してやることは加点ポイント!)Some academic reports have suggested that over the last one hundred years, the sea level has risen(sea levelはimcreaseではなくriseを用いるべき。海面上昇を意味する) by seventeen meters, which has submerged(depriveは「…を奪う」ので不適切な表現) approximately forty thousand square kilometers of (前置詞はここではofが正しい)land.
Given these facts, we must pay close attention to environmental issues from the viewpoint of avoiding any food, water, energy and land crisis in the future.(←maintaining…でも分からないことは無いが、この場合、環境問題によって引き起こされる害を防ぐ為に、とする方が論理が通る)